Kidney Stones: Symptoms and Treatment — Hale Clinics

Hale clinics
3 min read6 days ago


Kideny Stone Traetment in Mohali

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of passing a kidney stone, then you already know just how excruciatingly painful those little rock terrorists can be. For the uninitiated, just imagine one of the worst muscle cramps or spasms you’ve ever experienced, but radiating from your core like a shockwave of searing agony with each pulse.

Not exactly a pleasant experience, am I right? Yet kidney stones remain one of the most prevalent urological conditions around, affecting an estimated 1 in 11 individuals over their lifetimes. And with Mohali’s sweltering climate creating the perfect environment for easy dehydration, residents of the city face even higher risks.

But rather than living in fear of that first agonizing kidney stone strike, let’s go over the telltale symptoms to watch for — and more importantly, where you can receive the highest quality treatment and care right here in Mohali for combating those pesky crystalline deposits.

Symptoms of a Kidney Stone Attack

While kidney stones often start out small and obstructive with mild, dull aching in your back or abdomen, you’ll know when they’ve decided to really make their exodus memorable. Some of the most common warning signs that a kidney stone has been dislodged and is trying to pass include:

  • Severe, fluctuating pain radiating from your lower back to groin
  • Painful urination with an urgent need to go frequently
  • Pinkish/reddish discoloration in your urine from blood
  • Feelings of persistent nausea and/or vomiting
  • Cold sweats, fever, and chills accompanying pain
  • Only being able to find temporary relief by constantly shifting positions

If you experience any combination of those symptoms, schedule an appointment with Dr. Maninder Singh Randhawa, who is the Best Urologist in Mohali.

Kidney Stone Treatment

From initial diagnosis and stone evaluation through to final treatment and prevention strategies, Hale provides one of the best Kidney Stone Treatment in Mohali. Their renowned urology specialists take a multidisciplinary approach to managing kidney stones that goes well beyond basic palliative care.

Their advanced imaging and laboratory services can quickly identify the precise size, location, and composition of your stone — key factors that will determine the most appropriate treatment protocols. And when it comes to managing that signature stabbing pain during a stone episode, Hale’s doctors have an entire arsenal of pharmaceutical, interventional, and holistic remedies to relieve your suffering as rapidly as modern medicine allows.

For smaller “passer” stones, customized regimens may rely on pharmaceutical management to aid flushing, relax ureteral spasms, and block stone-growing biochemicals. Hale’s dietary coaches can also provide nutritional guidance for promoting stone dissolution.

With larger, more obstructive stones, Hale’s state-of-the-art clinic offers advanced surgical solutions like:

  • Ureteroscopy with Laser Lithotripsy
  • Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy
  • Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy

These minimally-invasive procedures use scopes, energy waves, or laparoscopic instruments to precisely target and break apart stubborn stones while minimizing patient discomfort and recovery times.

No matter which customized treatment plan is deployed, Hale’s kidney stone specialists will have you covered from initial intervention through post-operative recovery and long-term prevention tactics. Their goal is ensuring you never have to experience that particular dimension of urological torture ever again.


So if you’re ever unfortunate enough to experience that telltale flank pain and need to double over — don’t go it alone, friends. Get yourself over to Hale Clinics in Mohali and let their experts guide you through safe, swift, and long-lasting passage of even the toughest kidney stones around. A lifetime free of urological agony is just a call away!



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