Sleep Disorders: Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Hale clinics
3 min readJun 26, 2024


Sleep Disorder Treatment

We’ve all been there — tossing and turning for what feels like an eternity, desperately counting sheep (or checking the clock every 5 minutes) in hopes of finally drifting off to dreamland. Sometimes it’s temporary sessions of restlessness from stress or an extra cup of coffee too late in the day. But for millions who suffer from legitimate sleep disorders, that relentless insomnia is every single night battle with real consequences.

Whether you’re barely functioning during the day from lack of quality sleep, or your partner has literally had to retreat to the spare room because of your snoring dynamite impersonations, ongoing sleep issues can seriously disrupt your life in a major way. And I’m not just talking about crankiness and fatigue, but potent health risks like weakened immune systems, high blood pressure, weight gain — even increased chances of diabetes, heart disease and other complex conditions.

The Most Common Types of Sleep Disorders

While poor sleep can occasionally just be chalked up to too much late-night binge watching, most chronic issues trace back to an underlying disorder throwing your circadian rhythms and sleep cycles out of whack. These are some of the most frequent culprits the team at Hale encounters:

  • Insomnia: The hallmark restlessness making it tough to fall/stay asleep, often stress/anxiety induced. Could be sleep-onset or sleep-maintenance varieties.
  • Sleep Apnea: Potentially life-threatening pauses in breathing from airway obstructions. Main type is obstructive sleep apnea, but central sleep apnea exists too.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome: An irresistible urge to move the legs, usually due to nerve/dopamine issues. Disrupts the ability to remain still and achieve deep sleep.
  • Narcolepsy: A neurological disorder causing excessive drowsiness and “sleep attacks” even after adequate sleep the prior night.
  • Parasomnias: An umbrella term encompassing abnormal movements/behaviors during sleep like sleep walking, night terrors, teeth grinding, etc.
  • Circadian Rhythm Disorders: Body clock disruptions making it extremely difficult to fall asleep and wake at consistent, appropriate times.

You know you’ve got a real sleep problem worthy of medical attention when other negative impacts start surfacing, like lethargy, irritability, lack of focus/motivation, hallucinations, or even depression. If you are facing these problems too, schedule an appointment with Dr. Parth Bansal at Hale Clinics, who is one of the best Neurologist in Chandigarh.

Sleep Disorder Treatment — Hale Clinics

When it comes to combating sleep disorders and reclaiming your nocturnal tranquility, Hale’s Clinics, which provides the Best Sleep Disorder Treatment in Chandigarh, takes a truly holistic approach stretching far beyond just writing a prescription for sleep meds.

Their integrated sleep health program combines the expertise of neurologists, psychologists, nutritionists and other care providers for total-body treatment. Whether through their state-of-the-art sleep lab conducting overnight polysomnography tests, prescribing latest-gen solutions, or implementing cognitive behavioral therapy and lifestyle interventions — Hale treats the person, not just the symptoms.

Hale’s sleep medicine clinic takes a personalized approach to pinpoint the root causes disrupting your sleep patterns. Their comprehensive diagnostics and multi-disciplinary treatment plans aim to restore those critical restorative sleep cycles you need to feel refreshed and energized for peak daily performance.


So don’t be a hero — get yourself over to Hale’s clinic for a comprehensive sleep evaluation at the first sign that something’s not quite right in the bedroom. Their compassionate team of specialized physicians will work tirelessly to uncover exactly what’s sabotaging your sleep quality, then apply the most advanced therapies for helping you reclaim those restful, rejuvenating nights once and for all.

After all, feeling well-rested and firing on all cylinders should be the rule for everyone — not some luxury reserved for a select few who happen to luck out without sleep issues. Let Hale put those endless tossing and turning battles behind you once and for all.



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